Institutional Memberships
You are an institute of great repute and are relentlessly engaged in preparing the youth of this nation to succeed on the larger global platform. You may leverage our Institutional membership to share your journey and success stories to inspire others.
Knowdea Xchange Foundation provides a platform for Institutions to engage with policymakers, industry leaders, and other institutions of repute to share their achievements and progress while learning about the new developments and innovations from the stakeholders. Institutions will get opportunities to showcase their progress and innovations in various forums while using the platform to benchmark and collaborate with other institutions.
Visibility & Publicity
Display of your Institution’s Logo on our website with hyperlink to your institution’s website
Display of your Institution’s Logo in all major Knowdea Xchange Foundation’s national events
Display of your Institution’s Logo in all major promotional material and publications of Knowdea Xchange Foundation
Priority consideration for selection as Distinguished Panelist on Knowdea Xchange Foundation’s seminars, webinars and conferences
Priority consideration for selection as member of Expert committee / Task force on policy consultation and other relevant subjects
Opportunity to collaborate in research activities and showcase your Institution’s accomplishments
Five free passes for your delegates for all the Foundation’s Seminars and Conferences
Opportunity to get recognised and awarded on several categories of innovation and excellence
Opportunity to publish articles and write ups showcasing your Institution’s successes in Knowdea Xchange Foundations publications
Opportunity to host exclusive Knowdea Xchange Foundation’s select events at your institution